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Hand Rejuvenation

With Radiesse or Opus Plasma

To give hands back their youthful looking volume

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand rejuvenation is a minimally invasive and non-surgical cosmetic procedure. Radiesse by Merz is a dermal filler that is injected into the skin of the hands to soften creases or folds, and to support areas of volume loss so they have a younger appearance.

The Radiesse Hand Rejuvenation Treatment stimulates your natural collagen production to improve your skin.

Minimally Invasive

Local numbing medication may be used to maximize your comfort during the procedure. Most patients report only mild discomfort typically associated with needle injections. You may experience mild to moderate amount of stinging or aching sensation post injection. To ensure an even correction, the treating professional will massage the area treated, which may cause a temporary, minimal to moderate amount of redness to your skin.

New Treatment: Opus Plasma

Inovo now has a revolutionary technology for getting rid of wrinkles and sun damage in the hands: Opus Plasma.

Opus is the latest in fractional-based skin resurfacing technologies, a method that involves creating a pattern of microscopic injuries to a fraction of the skin. This stimulates a natural wound-healing response exciting the skin to repair itself.

Learn More About Opus Plasma 


Side Effects

You may experience bruising at the site of the injection. Also, it’s normal to experience some slight pain at the treatment site for a few days.

Our Approach

Our innovative approach to cosmetic medicine combines a number of medical procedures, many of which are complementary and work synergistically to optimize results and offer the best possible cosmetic outcome.

We view beauty as more than just an outward appearance. It reflects how you feel inside, and in turn affects your confidence, your self-esteem, and your appreciation of life. It also affects your career opportunities, your relationships, and your personal growth.

At INOVO, we offer exceptional medical aesthetic services to improve your skin, and the contours of your face and body, and we treat a variety of skin conditions.

Discover how Inovo Medical’s science can change your life. Discuss it with your doctor today.


During Your Consultation

  • Our cosmetic medical staff will meet with you.
  • We’ll go over your unique situation and your goals.
  • We’ll discuss what to realistically look forward to.
  • We’ll present the various treatment options available.
  • We’ll recommend what we feel meet your needs best.
  • Finally, if you’re ready we’ll book your treatment.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Today!