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Wart Removal

We can safely remove unwanted warts and lesions without surgery, and our results are 100% guaranteed!
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Wart Treatment in Ottawa

What are warts?

Warts are small, grainy, hard bumps that can appear anywhere on the body but most commonly develop on the hands, feet and genitals. They are caused by a viral infection and are contagious – not only from skin-to-skin contact, but from surfaces as well. The virus creates an excess amount of keratin (hard protein) that develops in the top layer of your skin (epidermis).

Plane Warts
Plantar Warts

How do you treat them?

In most cases, we begin by removing the dead skin by shaving it down. This is completely painless.

Then, using the Fotona’s SP Dynamis laser system (Nd:YAG), we heat the wart deep into its root. The heat kills the wart, leading it to dry out and fall off. Treatment can be performed on various parts of the body.

Do you treat genital warts?

Yes. Genital warts are growths that affect the moist tissues of the genital area in both men and women. They can look like small, skin-colored bumps and can appear individually or grow in small clusters. Genital warts can cause pain, discomfort and itching. Book a consultation with us if you notice bumps or warts in the genital area.

How many treatments do I need?

Typically, one visit is enough. For larger or more problematic warts, some patients will need 1-2 extra sessions (spaced 2-4 weeks apart).

We stand by our laser wart removal treatment with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, ensuring the best possible results for you.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects vary from patient to patient and are often very mild but can include: 

  • Redness and swelling 
  • Blistering (not very common) 
  • Localized sensitivity

Before and After: 

Frequently Asked Questions About Warts

What causes warts? 

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the culprit behind common warts. This virus, with over 150 varieties, primarily triggers warts on hands, while some strains are sexually transmitted. However, most are transmitted through casual skin contact or by sharing items like towels or washcloths. Typically, the virus spreads through skin breaks, such as hangnails or scrapes, and can also be exacerbated by nail-biting, leading to warts around fingertips and nails

How common are warts?

Warts are very common, impacting around 10% of the global population. Their occurrence is even higher among school-aged children, ranging from 10% to 20% within this demographic. Additionally, individuals who are immunocompromised are at a greater risk of developing warts.

Are warts harmful?

Generally, warts are noncancerous (benign). However, they can become problematic when they undermine your self-confidence or impede everyday activities such as walking or wearing shoes.

Are warts contagious?

Yes, warts are contagious due to the contagious nature of HPV. Warts have the potential to spread via direct or indirect contact. Direct contact involves touching someone else's wart or engaging in skin-to-skin contact. Indirect contact refers to the use of items such as towels or razors that have been in contact with a wart or HPV.

Can warts go away on their own?

Some will! Approximately 65% of warts go away on their own within two years in individuals with healthy immune systems. Treatment will help a wart go away more quickly.

What are the possible complications of warts?

Generally, most warts disappear on their own without causing any major trouble. However, sometimes warts can lead to problems such as infections. If you pick or cut a wart, it can create openings in your skin, allowing bacteria to get in and cause an infection. In such cases, medical treatment with antibiotics may be necessary. Additionally, while most warts are painless, plantar warts that grow inward into your foot can be painful to walk on, making you feel like there's a pebble under your skin. Moreover, having warts might make you feel embarrassed or ashamed, affecting your self-esteem and mental well-being. If warts are causing you distress, it's essential to discuss it with your healthcare provider.

How can I prevent warts?

There's no surefire way, however you can lower your risk of catching the virus that causes them. Avoid touching someone else's wart, and refrain from sharing personal items like towels, clothing, or nail tools. It's also important to break the habit of biting your nails or picking at your cuticles. Keep your skin moisturized and protect any cuts or scrapes to prevent HPV from entering your body. Consider discussing the HPV vaccine with your healthcare provider, especially if you're a kid or young adult, and use condoms to reduce the risk of genital warts. Lastly, wear flip-flops or shoes in public places like locker rooms, pool areas, or showers to minimize exposure to the virus.

What is laser wart removal?

Laser wart removal is a medical procedure that uses laser technology to target and eliminate warts. During the procedure, a focused laser beam is directed at the wart, effectively destroying the tissue that makes up the wart.

What laser do you use for wart removal?

At Inovo Medical, we use Fotona’s SP Dynamis laser system (Nd:YAG). This is a non-ablative laser which heats the wart deep into its root. The heat kills the wart, leading it to dry out and fall off.

Are there any side effects I need to know about?

Yes, like any medical procedure, laser wart removal can have side effects. Some common side effects may include pain or discomfort during or after the procedure, redness and swelling around the treated area, and temporary scarring, especially if the wart was large or deep.

Is laser wart removal safe?

Yes! Here at Inovo Medical, our medical staff is highly trained and experienced to ensure the safety of your laser wart removal procedure.

During Your Consultation

  • Our cosmetic medical staff will meet with you.
  • We’ll go over your unique situation and your goals.
  • We’ll discuss what to realistically look forward to.
  • We’ll present the various treatment options available.
  • We’ll recommend what we feel meet your needs best.
  • Finally, if you’re ready we’ll book your treatment.

Book Your Consultation

It's easy to get started - just fill out the form below and we'll contact you to discuss your options. Or, you can feel free to give us a call today at our clinic in Ottawa: (613) 749-4668

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