Hair Removal: The Struggle is Real
You’ve just put on your favourite shorts and look down and see prickly little hairs peaking out. But, how could this happen? You just shaved yesterday! Ouch! You’ve cut yourself. Oh, no! Razor burn. Yikes! Chemical burn. These are the real life struggles of hair...

Laser Treatment Is Now Possible for All Skin Types
Cosmetic clinics offering laser treatments have long needed a solution to provide laser treatments to individuals with increased melanin production during the summertime. A study published in the 2011 edition of the journal “Lasers in surgery and medicine”...

Itchy White Patches in the Genital Area Can Finally Be Treated
Researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of using regenerative medicine to heal lesions of Lichen Sclerosus, known previously as a relatively untreatable dermatological condition on the genital area. What is Lichen Sclerosus? Lichen Sclerosus, a commonly...

What is BROTOX?
You type into Google “Botox” and what pops up? People getting Botox no doubt. But it’s not really people getting Botox… the majority is women. Maybe 1 out of every 75 pictures has a male receiving the treatment. So what is ‘Brotox’ you may ask? It’s a coined term for...